The Simple Project is a captivating children's book concept created by Jeremy Michael Vess, inspired by his heartfelt song "Simple." Under the pseudonym Dr. Grizzly J. Proctor, Vess envisions a magical fusion of music and art, resulting in a vibrant children's book, a delightful coloring book, and an enchanting accompanying song.

"This project holds a special place in my heart and ventures into completely new territory for me. While writing the song was second nature, the concept of a children's book was a daunting challenge. Then, in February 2024, I had the extraordinary honor of meeting international artist Antonio Barcena from Morelia, Mexico. Now, I'm witnessing the lyrics of my song come alive through his breathtaking illustrations!

The next step is navigating the publishing and printing process. I also plan to record and release the song as a bonus single to complement the book. This colorful portrayal of the Christmas story delivers the gospel message in a refreshingly simple and direct manner. It's a treasure that many families will cherish during the holiday season for years to come! What sets this project apart is its unique blend of storytelling and music, serving as a powerful and accessible tool for evangelism within the Christian faith. I invite you to support The Simple Project by contributing to this campaign. I cannot embark on this journey alone, so thank you in advance for your support."

Help Fund The Simple Project

Pictured below are the illustrations by Antonio Barcena of the book: 


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